Previous Episode: Be In Your Body

Today you’re being asked to gather your courage.

Tap deep into your inner resilience, to take up space and make a stand for what you believe.

Now is a time to take action.

To speak up.

To make that change.

This isn’t the time to be timid or to hold back.

Lean in with courage.

Feel your strength and wisdom in your blood and bones.

Even if it feels uncomfortable, persist.

Change brings growth, and as you break out of the old ways of doing things, you may feel afraid. Change isn’t often easy, but keep going anyway.

You are needed in the world.

Your voice, courage, and gifts need to be expressed.

If you fall, get back up again.

If you get tired, rest.

But keep going.

Now is not the time to give up permanently.

Don’t limit yourself with judgements, expectations or your own stories.

Break through any limiting beliefs, realise that the fears of others are not yours to carry.

Go beyond your known boundaries.

Stretch the limits of what you feel is possible for you.

Live with passion and courage.

Take up space in the world.

In this very moment, just pause and take a breath, as feel your confidence grow.