In a world where people’s attention spans are becoming increasingly shorter, the ability to communicate with conviction and clarity are what sells your personal brand, the business you represent and its products or services.
In this session, Kerryn will share with us the 7 hidden language traps that makes people not take us seriously. She will share the tools to becoming an influential communicator.
About Kerryn Gamble:
Kerryn Gamble is an expert in confidence, former Vice President of Professional Speakers Australia (VIC/TAS) and Author of UNSTOPPABLE. Kerryn specialises in transforming ambitious professionals, into compelling communicators.
Working with Executives, Managers and Business Owners, Kerryn elevates verbal and non-verbal communication skills, to build the necessary foundations for personal growth and leadership development. Kerryn is an advisor to organisations providing strategies for organisational change, capability development and leadership programs.
With a diverse career background spanning work in healthcare & medical roles, corporate roles and business owner, Kerryn noticed communication behaviour patterns of successful professionals and talented professionals who remained unnoticed. As a former expert in being invisible, Kerryn came to the realisation that others can't see your value if you don't show it. This sparked an ongoing fascination into communication behaviours which strengthen presence, enhance message delivery and engage audiences.