Are you struggling to influence others to act?Do you find it difficult to show up with the confidence and self-belief you need?Are you challenged to express thoughts and feelings appropriately to deliver one congruent message that motivates others?Are you living based on the expectations of others?
Many of the smartest people in organisations may be coming up short of their full potential—not because they lack intelligence or technical proficiency, but because they haven’t developed the executive presence to deliver their message with clarity and conviction.
Moreover we often end up going through life wearing masks to hide who we truly are. This affects our ability to have an impact on others, build authentic relationships and over time losing our identities - the real ‘you’.Executive Presence is the ability to connect authentically with the hearts and minds of others in order to motivate and inspire them to achieve a desired outcome.
André will use his personal stories and experiences to take us through the importance of executive presence, how he rediscovered his authentic self after removing the masks and in turn inspiring and influencing others through his own presence.You will leave this session with practical strategies that you can apply to enhance your presence, communicate effectively to have your voice heard and connect authentically with others.
About André Alphonso:André has had a very successful 26 year corporate career in Australian and multinational organisations. From HR Manager to HR Director to Regional Head of Capability Development in Unisys (a multinational information technology company) to Sales Leader to Managing Director of Forum Australia (a multinational management consulting firm).After exiting the corporate world, André has started up and profitably grown multiple businesses over the last 12 years which, as the business owner, he continues to lead in person and virtually. This includes: Forum India - which he launched in 2008 and leads remotely from Australia; Ariel Australia which he co-founded in 2014. He is about to launch another business, zAntideha, around mental wellness in 2021.
He has worked in and consulted to over 100 organisations in over 20 different industries across 14 countries. He has trained over 30,000 people in leadership skills, selling skills, and professional and personal development areas. All of this means he can tap into a vast library of concepts, models, frameworks and research as well as apply all of the experiences he has gained over the last 40 years to the issues his clients are facing.