Today on the podcast, I am sitting down with Shannon de Laat. Shannon has been using her superpower of building unparalleled relationships in her business for 15 years, running her own PR firm supporting brand communications and business development among a variety of consumer categories. Her results-driven work has benefitted countless companies you most certainly have heard of, including Kiehl’s, lululemon, Neutrogena and Aveeno.

Volunteer work and supporting charitable causes is part of Shannon’s DNA. Throughout her career, there has been an underlying desire to apply her talents and expertise to impact positive change, and it is with this spirit Shannon moves to realize a venture that brings together her skills to change the world, and help others do the same.

SO it comes as no surprise that Shannon has recently launched The Virtue Project.

The Virtue Project focuses on creating partnerships that inspire audiences and drive cause awareness. From collaborations, to special events, experiences, and sponsorships, they conceptualize and execute high impact activations that emotionally engage audiences, and drive explicit outcomes. Every activation is tied to the mission and organizational goals.

The success and momentum Shannon has achieved can be directly tied to the strength of her relationships. She reveals some pivotal moments in her professional career and credits building a strong and thriving community of change makers around her. Let’s dive in!


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