You know when you meet someone and their deep perspective changes your life? This is how I feel about today’s guest on the show.

Twelve years ago, Sarah Pierson’s life took a tragic turn when she lost her husband in a plane crash at only 29 years old. Having to reinvent a new version of her life, she quit her job as a teacher in the suburbs outside of Chicago, began traveling the world, and adopted a philanthropic mindset.

Sarah published a book in 2012, Young Widow: A Memoir. She was a contributing author to the book Mother of Pearl: Luminous Lessons and Iridescent Faith. And she is an on-going contributor to the Huffington Post UK, and multiple on-line travel magazines.

Sarah shares with us her best tips on resiliency, how she embraced travel and running as her preferred coping strategies in the wake of tragedy, and why it was imperative that she found an incredible community around her to support her when she needed it the most. She continues to use her story to help others.

Her message to the world is to live life wholeheartedly because you never know what is going to happen and you have to be adaptable. And you really can’t get anywhere without practicing gratitude.

You have to CHOOSE to keep moving forward each and every day.


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You know when you meet someone and their deep perspective changes your life? This is how I feel about today’s guest on the show.

Twelve years ago, Sarah Pierson’s life took a tragic turn when she lost her husband in a plane crash at only 29 years old. Having to reinvent a new version of her life, she quit her job as a teacher in the suburbs outside of Chicago, began traveling the world, and adopted a philanthropic mindset.

Sarah published a book in 2012, Young Widow: A Memoir. She was a contributing author to the book Mother of Pearl: Luminous Lessons and Iridescent Faith. And she is an on-going contributor to the Huffington Post UK, and multiple on-line travel magazines.

Sarah shares with us her best tips on resiliency, how she embraced travel and running as her preferred coping strategies in the wake of tragedy, and why it was imperative that she found an incredible community around her to support her when she needed it the most. She continues to use her story to help others.

Her message to the world is to live life wholeheartedly because you never know what is going to happen and you have to be adaptable. And you really can’t get anywhere without practicing gratitude. You have to CHOOSE to keep moving forward each and every day.


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Snap and post a photo while listening and tag me @meganaccardo so I can know you enjoyed the show.