Episode 32 Dennis Dunbar

Digital Artist and World Class Retoucher

Welcome to Episode 32,

Today Jake and I are talking with the amazing Digital Artist and world class retoucher Dennis Dunbar.

Since the 1990’s Dennis has been adding his Photoshop magic to Movie posters and Ad Campaigns for companies all over the world. His work covers the Automotive, Product, Beauty,  Commercial, Fashion and of course the movie industry, where he's worked on movie posters for films like Jumanji, Deadpool2, Creed II, I am Legend, Harry Potter and many more… He’s certainly a master with his own magic wand or more like his pen and tablet..

Dennis is a master of colour, knows his way around curves layers and educates both Jake and me on using Colour layers and luminosity layers.

Do we need as many megapixels as modern cameras can give us now, listen to what Dennis has to say on that…

As photographers, we like to get it right in camera, but Dennis shares some interesting facts and stories of why it’s not always possible and what they have to do to remedy the inevitable. In a creative way of course!

Another great episode into the world of retouching, colour control layers and a little insight into what it takes to create Front covers for Films in the movie industry.

Don’t gorget the 10 question ‘Rapid fire not so rapid fire’ round in the middle of the show.. Always a fun few minutes…

Website: http://dunbardigital.com

IG: https://www.instagram.com/dennisdunbar


Twitter: https://twitter.com/DennisDunbar


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