Episode 33 Hugh Kretschmer

Award Winning editorial and advertising surrealist photographer


Welcome to Episode 33,

Today Jake and I are talking with Award Winning editorial and advertising photographer Hugh Kretschmer..

Hugh creates incredible  photo illustrations, ranging from commercial projects to surreal Fine Art Pieces, he takes us into a world that will visually bend your mind with his surreal narratives. His photos reveal other worlds and will take you on a magical story that will move you. 

That aside, his clients include the likes of Vanity Fair, New York Times, Rolling Stone, National Geographic, Fortune, Sony, Toyota, Honda and many many more...

Hugh classes himself as a Photographic Illustrator, his ideas are created from an illustrators perspective and so is his process except he uses his camera as his weapon of choice to capture all of this…

Introduced to photography at a young age by his father, who was a was a photo-instrumentation engineer for MacDonnell Douglas who worked on projects from the Mercury through to the Apollo missions.

Hugh’s work certainly borrows from the art world and you can certainly see a hint of Rene Magritte and perhaps a hint of Salvador Dali in his concepts, but don’t be fooled thinking this is all put together in Photoshop… Oh no… this is where Hugh’s approach and work ethic is completely the opposite as he composes nearly all his work utilising the manual building process of props/ sets and recording multiple process in camera.

Hugh’s mind and work are both amazing, and we don’t boast to understand it all, but visually it’s truly outstanding and mesmerising.

For those wanting to look at the Fence in a landscape image we referenced in the podcast here is the link so you can see what we’re talking about, only then will you appreciate the amount of work that goes into such. shot.

Fence panel Landscape: https://www.hughkretschmer.net/OVERVIEW/19/caption

Hugh is such an amazing person with a. complicated creative mind and was such pleasure to interview.

Don’t gorget the 10 question ‘Rapid fire not so rapid fire’ round in the middle of the show.. Always a fun few minutes…


Website:  www.hughkretschmer.net

IG: @hugh_kretschmer

FB: @hugh_kretschmer



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