Episode 31 Jan Gonzales
Advertising & Fine Art Portrait Photographer

Welcome to Episode 31

Today Jake and I are talking with the beautifully talented Visual Storyteller Jan Gonzales. who’s work in the Advertising and Portrait world is just outstanding.  

If you like a very cinematic style portrait then this episode is definitely for you. if you’re not aware of Jan’s work we highly recommend you pop on over there now to browse through mouth watering palette of beautiful creative Fine Art Portraiture. That said his automotive work is cool too. 

Jan is also a Fujifilm X Photographer, a Capture One Pro Ambassador and was also the FStoppers Photographer of the Year in 2019.
In this episode, We talk about his concepts, what it takes to create the kind of images he shoots, the process behind the idea and how he goes about making it happen. We discuss some of his go to bits of kit, why he chooses them and of course, don’t forget the Rapid fire not so rapid fire round in the middle.

We talk set set builds and how they help to bring a story to life, why he likes building them and how to light them. We quiz him on his favourite Light Modifiers and why they are his go to favourites.

We hit him with our infamous ’10 question Quick fire round’, listen to how he does in this one! We find out a lot of interesting things about Jan that we never actually knew. Even we were surprised! Who knew he used to be a pilot!!

Over all Jan is a lovely person and who just oozes creativity, and who’s work is truly beautiful.

Make sure you check out Jan’s wok on his website.

Website: https://www.jangonzales.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/jangonzalesphoto


Twitter: https://twitter.com/jan_gonzales


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Remember, if have a question about anything Photography or Video/Cinema related, we’d love to hear them, you can send your questions to [email protected]

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