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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Shipping Podcast 3:25 Rob & Elsie Conversation 8:00 Elsie has not written her acceptance speech! And why! Updated info to the new format Ding, dong the podcast troll is dead and more talk of evil things Promo 1: Create New Futures 15:00 Re-publishing and episode to all the destinations When shouldn’t you podcast? And when is it time to throw in the towel? Some features that are back with iOS 11 beta 3 Is there a reason for the podcast page being http instead of https? How to re-broadcast an episode that already exists Discussing Gimlet’s newest podcast funding Promo 2: 600 Second Saga 36:30 Moving from Soundcloud to Libsyn and other Soundcloud studies Anchor as a podcast host? How best to deal with host ad reads A quick update on how to update the new iTunes tags Feedback from Carey Green from Podcast Fast Track 51:30 Current issues from feed validators not supporting the new iTunes and feedburner troubles Buy the pre-release of The Messengers Documentary! It tells the story of the 90% SP shares all about the upcoming GenCon 1:03:46 Thanks for leaving comments on The Feed app! Promo 3: Real World Redneck Podcast 1:14:16 We did see the Mike Rowe video and this is what we thought about it! Stats! Medium and mean numbers Featured Podcast Promos + Audio Create New Futures 600 Second Saga Real World Redneck Podcast The Shipping Podcast Carey Green from Podcast Fast Track SP from The Gonna Geek Network

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) “Podcasting patent” is totally dead, appeals court rules http vs. https Article explains the difference between http and https protocols Web Security: Why You Should Always Use HTTPS VCs don’t love podcasting, but Gimlet Media has raised another $15 million anyway SoundCloud plans to replace its CEO as part of a new funding deal Libsyn Live all about explaining the new feed tags The Messengers! Pre-order here!!! Searching for popularity truth in podcast land via Mike Rowe PN2: Rob Walch – Improve Your iTunes Ranking, SEO, and Drive Traffic to Your Podcast Ep 25: Change the Conversation: Podcasting as a Tool for Transformation with Elsie Escobar Questions every successful (woman) podcaster must answer before starting Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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