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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Promo 1: The Manwhore Podcast 2:30 Rob & Elsie Conversation 3:00 The Messengers is in iTunes! The Libsyn UI now supports iTunes feed tags Soundcloud’s CEO corrected the narrative about their dire situation - but is seems to be all about music Promo 2: The Guitar Speak Podcast 12:40 iOS 11 beta has put back the ratings and reviews A better place to show your ratings and reviews, who’s up for a guess? An SDK on everyone’s devices to measure podcast consumption? #Soapbox Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: Who Cares, What’s The Point? 27:00 How to get featured on The Feed and more How to provide a fully secure version of your podcast RSS feed Dr. Ginger Campbell shares her thoughts on Squarespace as a podcast host 36:40 Switching from Acast back to Libsyn How to get notified when your favorite podcast have a new episode Some super cool comments we got on The Feed Smartphone App! Feedback all about non-evil podcast networks from SP 47:40 If you knew of a big deal coming for your show (an award, honor, national magazine feature, etc) what would you do in advance or at the time to take advantage? Why was Elsie not following the podcasting gurus loudness suggestions Promo 3: Fairy Tales for Unwanted Children 1:10:40 Stats, stats, stats, There might be some bloopers…maybe Featured Podcast Promos + Audio The Manwhore Podcast The Guitar Speak Podcast Fairy Tales for Unwanted Children Who Cares What’s The Point Dr. Ginger from Books and Ideas and Brain Science Podcast SP from The Gonna Geek Network

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Publishing an episode File for download only Generating text posts The Messengers Documentary SoundCloud Was Hiring Almost Up to the Point That It Laid Off 40 Percent of Its Workforce The She Podcasts episode with the Ratings and Reviews rant from Elsie New DMR/Texas A&M ‘Download On Podcasting’ Report Offers Measurement Overview, With Help From Nielsen Elsie’s brother, Luis Escobar’s Patreon Rob on Hear Me Out Elsie on Michigan Family Wellness Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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