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Quick Episode Summary: Intro :11 Audio Rockin’ Libsyn Podcasts: The Creative Studio Podcast 3:00 Promo 1: E-Travels with E. Trules 9:20 Rob & Elsie Conversation 9:50 It’s nice to be back and catching up after Podcast Movement Feedback from Wayne Henderson 13:04 Touching base on the Academy of Podcaster Awards - congrats Elsie! Feedback from Molly MacCready from The Non-Profit Optimist 30:00 Super cool new podcast listening app just for kids Apple really wants you to add the header code to your websites! Really, they do Feedback from Casey O’Roarty from Joyful Courage 38:20 Rob almost had a stroke about NYC’s report about it being the podcast capital 😵 Promo 2: The Blood Drawn Chronicles 41:30 Elsie had to edit for profanity. Woah Changing ownership of podcasts via Apple ID, can it be done? Rob’s rant continues calling out all the misinformation that the NYC governor’s office put out Feedback: Sonia Paz from Your Rockstar Mentor 1:00:30 Getting your podcast onto YouTube using Libsyn Feedback: Andrea Klunder The Creative Impostor 1:03:43 iTunes new feedback support and transition from Soundcloud More on adding music to your podcast Promo 3: Baseball Pitching - The Fix 1:17:24 A little bit of conjecture about Apple Podcasts upcoming stats and possible release Stats time! Mean and median numbers Featured Podcast Promos + Audio E-Travels with E. Trules The Blood Drawn Chronicles Baseball Pitching: The Fix The Creative Studio Podcast Wayne Henderson from The Packers Fan Podcast Molly MacCready from The Non-Profit Optimist Casey O’Roarty from Joyful Courage Sonia Paz from Your Rockstar Mentor Andrea Klunder from The Creative Impostor

Podcasting Articles and Links mentioned by Rob and Elsie

Our SpeakPipe Feedback page! Leave us feedback :) Leela Kids! Thanks to Prescott from The Busy Creator for this tutorial on adding the Apple Podcasts header code! NYC Podcast Report, link to PDF Getting your podcast on YouTube via Libsyn tutorial The Pub talking in-depth about using music on a podcast with some advice from a legal expert Mercury News: Hanging Elsie on Podcast ninja Podcast Pre-Launch Strategy & Development Elsie on The Creative Impostor: Break patterns & shift the narrative Elsie on The Practice of Being Seen: Finding Your Voice Elsie’s Emergency Excitement, her newsletter about everything Where is Libsyn Going? (In Real Life) Podcast Movement 2017 L.A. Podfest HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

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