A lot of podcast marketing advice starts and ends with: build a funnel and keep feeding people into it! And while that can and does work for some, it’ll frustrate a lot of podcasters. Here’s why:

All models are wrong. Some happened to be useful. That an accurate reflection of how I feel about podcast marketing funnels.

The core concept of a podcast marketing funnel is making a lot of people aware of your podcast, then getting some of them to consider listening to your podcast, and then getting an even smaller set to actually listen.

Seems simple, right? Perhaps too simple.

I’ve a few issues with the simplicity marketing funnels describe and the panacea far too many marketers claim them to be. 

To start, I think the metaphor of a funnel itself is wrong. A real funnel’s job is to… well, funnel everything through it and not spill a drop.

But every marketer knows that marketing funnels are leaky and only help the right people progress through the process. But “marketing sieve” doesn’t sound nearly as sexy. 

If you’re using mystery and intrigue on assets you’re making for awareness—stop. You’re not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by hiding exactly who your content is for.

Also, actual funnels have a single entry point: The top. There’s no “side hatch” on my kitchen funnel. But in reality, people are quite likely to first encounter your podcast at any stage of the funnel, not just the top. Do the links you share or the assets you make discoverable work for people who aren’t familiar with you or your show? Or is that why you’re completion rate or engagement metrics in the toilet?

And then there’s the problem of gravity. Every marketing funnel, be it for podcasts or anything else, assumes linear, top-to-bottom refinement and progression from awareness to consideration, to conversion. Nice and neat, And not at all accurate of the chaotic way individuals interact with content.

No, I’m not anti-funnel. Just cautions. Keep in mind that what works for a SaaS company may not work for your podcast. 

Also: ShePodcasts LIVE? It’s happening in mid-October in Scottsdale, which is a suburb of Phoenix (I said that just to trigger the Snotsdale peeps). Since I live here (Phoenix, not Scottsdale, but close enough), I’ll be attending. You should too. Get $100 off your ticket when you use AZPOD at checkout.



• Advancing Podcasting community -  http://advancingpodcasting.xyz

• Article on Sounds Profitable Who Wins When IP Addresses Disappear? - https://soundsprofitable.com/update/who-wins-without-ip-addresses 

• Privacy-enhancing technologies - https://about.fb.com/news/2021/08/privacy-enhancing-technologies-and-ads/

• Biggest podcast advertising spenders - https://www.magellan.ai/blog-categories/top-15

• Podfriend - https://www.podfriend.com

• Fountain - https://www.fountain.fm

• Podverse - https://podverse.fm

• Support Evo on Buy Me A Coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/evoterra


A written-to-be-read article and a full transcript of the audio of this episode can be found at https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/the-problems-with-podcast-marketing-funnels.

Visit https://twitter.com/evoterra for more podcasting insights from Evo Terra as they come.

Buy him a virtual coffee to show your support at https://BuyMeACoffee.com/evoterra.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit https://Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your...

A lot of podcast marketing advice starts and ends with: build a funnel and keep feeding people into it! And while that can and does work for some, it’ll frustrate a lot of podcasters. Here’s why:

All models are wrong. Some happened to be useful. That an accurate reflection of how I feel about podcast marketing funnels.

The core concept of a podcast marketing funnel is making a lot of people aware of your podcast, then getting some of them to consider listening to your podcast, and then getting an even smaller set to actually listen.

Seems simple, right? Perhaps too simple.

I’ve a few issues with the simplicity marketing funnels describe and the panacea far too many marketers claim them to be. 

To start, I think the metaphor of a funnel itself is wrong. A real funnel’s job is to… well, funnel everything through it and not spill a drop.

But every marketer knows that marketing funnels are leaky and only help the right people progress through the process. But “marketing sieve” doesn’t sound nearly as sexy. 

If you’re using mystery and intrigue on assets you’re making for awareness—stop. You’re not doing yourself or anyone else any favors by hiding exactly who your content is for.

Also, actual funnels have a single entry point: The top. There’s no “side hatch” on my kitchen funnel. But in reality, people are quite likely to first encounter your podcast at any stage of the funnel, not just the top. Do the links you share or the assets you make discoverable work for people who aren’t familiar with you or your show? Or is that why you’re completion rate or engagement metrics in the toilet?

And then there’s the problem of gravity. Every marketing funnel, be it for podcasts or anything else, assumes linear, top-to-bottom refinement and progression from awareness to consideration, to conversion. Nice and neat, And not at all accurate of the chaotic way individuals interact with content.

No, I’m not anti-funnel. Just cautions. Keep in mind that what works for a SaaS company may not work for your podcast. 

Also: ShePodcasts LIVE? It’s happening in mid-October in Scottsdale, which is a suburb of Phoenix (I said that just to trigger the Snotsdale peeps). Since I live here (Phoenix, not Scottsdale, but close enough), I’ll be attending. You should too. Get $100 off your ticket when you use AZPOD at checkout.



• Advancing Podcasting community -  http://advancingpodcasting.xyz

• Article on Sounds Profitable Who Wins When IP Addresses Disappear? - https://soundsprofitable.com/update/who-wins-without-ip-addresses 

• Privacy-enhancing technologies - https://about.fb.com/news/2021/08/privacy-enhancing-technologies-and-ads/

• Biggest podcast advertising spenders - https://www.magellan.ai/blog-categories/top-15

• Podfriend - https://www.podfriend.com

• Fountain - https://www.fountain.fm

• Podverse - https://podverse.fm

• Support Evo on Buy Me A Coffee - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/evoterra


A written-to-be-read article and a full transcript of the audio of this episode can be found at https://podcastpontifications.com/episode/the-problems-with-podcast-marketing-funnels.

Visit https://twitter.com/evoterra for more podcasting insights from Evo Terra as they come.

Buy him a virtual coffee to show your support at https://BuyMeACoffee.com/evoterra.

And if you need a professional in your podcasting corner, please visit https://Simpler.Media to see how Simpler Media Productions can help you reach your business objectives with podcasting.

Allie Press assists with the production and transcription of the show. Learn more about Allie at http://alliepress.net.

Podcast Pontifications four times a week to provide ideas and ask questions every working podcaster should be thinking about. Subscribe today at https://PodcastPontifications.com.

Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Mentioned in this episode:

Support For Abortion Rights

While Americans overwhelmingly support the right of an individual to make their own decisions about abortion, unfortunately, that right is no longer protected everywhere in the U.S. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade on June 24th.

Abortion is a basic healthcare need for the millions of people who can become pregnant. Everyone should have the freedom to decide what’s best for themselves and their families, including when it comes to ending a pregnancy. This decision has dire consequences for individual health and safety, and could have harsh repercussions for other landmark decisions.

Restricting access to comprehensive reproductive care, including abortion, threatens the health and independence of all Americans. Even if you live in a state where abortion rights are upheld, access to safe medical procedures shouldn’t be determined by location, and it shouldn't be the privilege of a small few.

You can help by donating to local abortion funds. To find out where to donate for each state, visit donations4abortion.com.

If you or someone you know needs help, or if you want to get more involved, here are 5 resources:

1. ShoutYourAbortion.com is a campaign to normalize abortion.
2. DontBanEquality.com is a campaign for companies to take a stand against abortion restrictions.
3. Abortion.cafe has information about where to find clinics.
4. PlanCPills.org provides early at-home abortion pills that you can keep in your medicine cabinet.
5. Choice.CRD.co has a collection of these resources and more.

We encourage you to speak up! And spread the word.

This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis:

OP3 - https://op3.dev/privacy
Chartable - https://chartable.com/privacy
Podsights - https://podsights.com/privacy

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