“Whenever you try something that doesn't work that just means you have one wrong answer closer to the right answers.” - Maxwell Ivey

“Adversity is where our greatest stories come from.” - Pete Cohen

Maxwell Ivey “the blind blogger” from Houston Texas who grew up in a family of Carnival owners who were very solutions-oriented. He grew up with great examples of people who were doers and problem solvers. He loves helping other people tell their stories.

Get ready to be inspired about:

What is possible when you really open your eyes What is possible with curiosity Stop making excuses life live to the full

Key takeaways:

Realize the power of your story What motivates most people is dissatisfaction with the way things are and seeing the things can be improved We overwhelm ourselves. We see all of the obstacles and the requirements instead of seeing the benefits and achievement. Be blind to the challenges; be blind to the difficulties, and only choose to see the possibilities.

To learn more about Maxwell Ivey:

https://theblindblogger.net/about https://twitter.com/maxwellivey


You can take advantage of our new exclusive free training; "How to get ahead, build long-lasting confidence and stay productive in four simple steps”

This reveals;

​Why most people never build true long-lasting confidence and never get to live a happy, healthy life ​The exact strategy productive people use to become a master of their own time ​The tools you NEED to create YOUR BEST YEAR EVER


All our podcasts are available at:


I help everyday people achieve their goals & dreams!   Helping and coaching people in my expertise. It is VERY satisfying to change people’s lives so they improve and change their health, finances, relationships, confidence, and mindset.   

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Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/petecohen_/

About Pete Cohen:

Pete Cohen is one of the world’s leading life coaches and keynote speakers. Hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world have been motivated and inspired by Pete’s presentations. He has professionally impacted the lives of thousands of people worldwide, including business executives, professional athletes, and everyday people.  Pete focuses on the importance of closing the gap in our lives between where we are and where we want to be, both personally and professionally. 

It’s then all about coaching you to remove the obstacles that are in your way and helping you install the habits of success.  

Pete is the author of 19 published books, several of which have been best-sellers across the world, including Shut the Duck Up, Habit Busting, Life DIY, and Sort Your Life Out. He has also presented his own show on TV called The Coach and was the resident Life Coach on GMTV for 12 years. His new book Inspirators - Leading The Way In Leadership is available for free here -


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