Nikolien had an established, successful business as a Life Coach in the Netherlands working with struggling mums.... and although she knew she was helping them, she felt that professionally there MUST have been something that delivered EVEN BETTER outcomes.

And so began a journey of exploration that led her to leave her then young children to travel to Australia to study Transformology®.... and within 14 months, Nikolien helped launch Creatrix® in Europe - converting over $316,000 in Personal Development programs designed specifically for women. For already established Coaches that can't help but feel there MUST be something MORE, you're going to really love today's conversation.

Learn more about the Female Specific Personal Development Program that Maz Schirmer created, that supersedes results achieved by other modern modalities in regards to the LONG-TERM, CYCLE-BREAKING outcomes for Women, by booking in a call with me at

More information about Creatrix® Transformology® is available at