While Yolande was successful, she was fearfully holding herself back, not truly confident in getting her clients a more complete breakthrough at the highest standard she knew was possible. Stuck on a merry-go-round of trying to 'find' confidence, it felt as though she just could not get out of her own way...

After changing direction and working WITH the things that FELT natural and good, Yol's has now achieved HER OWN limitless potential, WHILST inspiring and transforming other women EVERY day to do the same. Yolande is a dynamic ROLE MODEL for women conflicted with self-doubt or limits.

Learn more about the Female Specific Personal Development Program that Maz Schirmer created, that supersedes results achieved by other modern modalities in regards to the LONG-TERM, CYCLE-BREAKING outcomes for Women,  Learn more to unblock your success at https://uninstituteofwomen.com