Almost two years ago, Erin - a mother of 3, was at the end of her tether, and so she began a journey of Personal Development to break her destructive patterns. A journey that turned her life on a dime.....

Because with her Transformation came a new lease on life complete with a burning desire to help women feel what she now felt - FREE, Confident, Purposeful.... and yet, with no 'experience' in the field of Personal Development, she couldn't help but ask herself

Who am I to help others

This question kept Erin playing small - she felt as though she had no right to offer advice let alone coach another woman through to Emotional Freedom and yet she couldn't STOP THINKING about helping others.

And so she took the leap of faith, worked through her limiting beliefs, and in her first few months as a Transformologist® has built a community of women just like she USED to be - stressed out Mum's in Suits desiring MORE.... a community that she IS Positively Impacting and Inspiring! AND she's even worked with her first client, achieving an outstanding outcome that raised her clients Self-Esteem, Self-Belief AND Self-Worth!
More information about Creatrix® Transformology® is available at