“The man who does not value herself cannot value anything or anyone.” -Ann Rand

Many of us grew up buying into the idea that we are responsible for everyone else’s happiness.

As we navigate into adulthood, that often looks like NOT bringing up important topics to your spouse, overlooking offensive comments from family, allowing coworkers  to walk all over you, not using your voice to share your beliefs, feeling like you can’t say no or don’t have any choices in the matter at hand or just being overwhelmed and exhausted all the damn time.

We struggle to speak up and because we don’t want to appear as selfish or like we can’t get along with others.

My friend, it is time to change this up.  In this week’s introductory episode, I share  a little bit about what exactly this podcast will explore and why my movement-”The Selfish Badass” matters so much in today’s world.

This pod explores:

What the Selfish Badass movement stands for and why it matters in today’s culture.

Why it’s dangerous to be running around on “empty.”

Introduction to the 6 different aspects of self care.

What you can expect from tuning in to this podcast and why you don’t want to miss one single episode.