Do you struggle to communicate with others in a way that you feel seen and heard?  Or perhaps you find that you get stuck in conflict, often going round and round the same issue time and time again.  Maybe you even put off having conversations that you know need to be had in order to keep the peace and eliminate tension.

Today's episode is dedicated to learning how to speak in a way that is more connective, compassionate and honest (while still getting your needs met).  

Communication is hard-most of us were not taught how to properly taught to resolve conflict, share our feelings and ask for what we need.  Conversely, what comes natural to most of us is criticism, defensiveness, judgment and demands.  This sets us up for a major communication fail and lots of hurt, arguing and frustration.

Today's guest, Marianne van Dijk is a nonviolent communication trainer and a conflict mediator. Through her work, Marianne guides people to be more true to themselves and work through potential conflict arising from that. 

Marianne shares her story of burnout, unhappiness and the inability to stand up for herself.  When she was introduced to NVC, it changed her life.  NVC was the missing link to help her express herself in a way that helps her get her needs met WHILE connecting with the other person.

Maybe you too have read all the communication and confidence books but you still don’t know how to DO boundaries. NVC is a beautiful tool that helps us DO differently.

Listen to learn:

What causes so much disconnection and conflict in relationships.
The gamechanger to being able to effectively communicate and connect with someone.
The ways in which we speak that are extraordinarily violent
The four exact steps of NVC
A demonstration using my own personal example of how NVC works

“Our need for choice is everything.”  Marianne Van Dijk

“Before nonviolent communication, I had no idea what was going on with me.  I carried so many have to’s which was so draining to my energy.“ Marianne van Dijk

“When you approach conflict with connection in mind, that’s the game changer.”  Krista Resnick

“Violent communication is all the ways we speak that are disconnecting.  It’s the should’s, the have to's, the comparison’s, the analyzing.” Marianne van Dijk

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