Does this sound familiar?

Your relationships are not where you want them to be? 
You're saying yes a lot to things you don’t really want to do?
You feel resentful a lot of the time
You find yourself irritated, frustrated and impatient often?

There could be a chance that you have suppressed your anger and it's leaking out which slowly erodes our happiness our authentic expression and our joy.  

On the show today, I have anger management specialist and psychotherapist Michelle Farris explaining the connection between codependency and anger.

Michelle was a former pro at stuffing her anger.  Through examining her own relationships, she noticed that she wasn't being fully honest-she was stuffing her truth and not sharing the things that hurt her.  She became aware that  eventually old resentments and hurts would leak out  only causing more damage to the relationship.  

Now Michelle helps others to move through anger and heal codependency so they can create healthy relationships without sacrificing their big hearts.

Listen to Learn:

What codependency looks like
How we identify who is a safe person for us to express and have honest relationships with
How we build the internal alarm bells that this might not be a safe person.
How codependency begins
Why anger is deemed as such a taboo, negative emotion
What happens if we don’t deal with our anger
Tips for beginning to access and release our anger

“When you grow up with someone who rages, you typically don’t see anger as healthy-you see it as full blown rage.”~Michelle Farris

“Stuffing was making me dishonest in my relationships.”~Michelle Farris

“Boundaries are about being honest.” ~Krista Resnick

“Boundaries are what I choose to participate in and when I choose to leave.” ~Michelle Farris

“If I don’t claim the part of me that is codependent I miss the whole side of me that needs healing.” ~Michelle Farris

"Lack of self trust is a major component of codependency-it’s what sets us up to see other people as our answer.”  ~ Michelle Farris

“Just because something’s normal, doesn’t mean it’s healthy.” ~Krista Resnick


Krista Resnick 




Michelle Farris

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Calming Your Anger Zoom Class

5 Day Email Course on Anger