When you hear the word codependent what comes up for you?  Do you feel contempt or shame?  Does the term make you curious?  Have you heard it before but not really sure what it is.

In this episode I unpack with you what codependency actually is-not necessarily what the symptoms are but the core root of codependency.  I believe that this is incredibly important and often overlooked because we cannot treat it and step into recovery unless we really get at the root of what's causing it and solve it there.  

Listen to discover:

Why codependency” is an outdated term.

Why so many codependents find themselves chronically in unhealthy, unbalanced relationships.

What codependency REALLY is

What causes codependency.

The one emotion that people with codependent tendencies are terrified to feel.

The 8 characteristics that make up our Self energy-the traits that we were born with.

A couple of tips to begin recovery from codependency

This is such a great episode to help you really understand all things codependency  because again, we cannot treat it, if we don't really understand the root cause.  

"God created us in HIS image.  He is GOOD.  Therefore WE are GOOD."  ~Krista Resnick

"Our childhood attachment trauma causes us core shame and core shame is a belief that you are fundamentally bad or flawed."~Krista Resnick

"Each of us has a relationship template from childhood.   It is this template that then sets us up for our adult relationships."  ~Krista Resnick

"Loving someone while remaining invisible in the relationship creates pathological loneliness." ~Krista Resnick

"Codependents behave with OTHERS in mind and  habitually controls others into loving them." ~Krista Resnick

"We have to go back and do the work around our childhood wounds-our trauma’s.  We have to allow ourselves to grieve the parents that maybe we never had."~Krista Resnick

"The unmet needs of your inner child are what create chaos in your adult life." ~Krista Resnick