Do you often feel like you are building someone else's life?  You've done all the things you're supposed to do, your life looks good on paper and yet there is something off?  

Friends, happiness, joy, freedom and peace come from within.  My guest today, Andrea Tessier discovered this truth when she started to look inward and unlearn everyone else's expectations.  Andrea's journey began with feeling insecure and working to overcompensate by being wrapped up in the hustle and self sacrifice.  After recognizing that she was the problem and therefore the solution, she started on her journey of re-remembering who she really was.  

In this episode Andrea shares her personal story and how she went from self sacrifice and insecure to being able to freely express and trust herself in every moment.  

Listen to discover:

How we can recognize that it's time to go deeper and do the internal work
Why acceptance is the KEY to personal transformation.
How we own who we are.
The most powerful question we can ask ourselves to begin to KNOW ourselves.
How to recognize when you are in your patterns of protection and coping
Why sometimes self honoring choices don’t always feel good.
Andrea’s favorite emotional release tools and why they are so important.
Why feelings are such a big component in honoring our boundaries.
Why feelings are such a powerful guidance system.
The difference between speaking FROM anger versus ON BEHALF of our anger.
What speaking your truth actually is.

We've all chased something in our lives that we believe will make us feel like we've arrived.  The house, the relationship, the kids, the right friend group, the perfect body size, the right job, the right degree but even after all that chasing-I believe that many of us still feel those pangs.  Those little nudges along the way that remind us- "HEY.....get back to YOU.  You are enough, You are OK, You are worthy just as you are!!!"

Using the practices in this episode, you can turn up the self acceptance and self expression in your life, which will help you feel aligned and free no matter your circumstances.

“When we don’t know what we feel, we aren’t in tune with what we need.” Andrea Tessier

"I had to teach myself HOW to be self expressed.  For decades I shoved everything down and in."  Andrea Tessier

"If I’m not in my own personal truth and expression, how can I invite the other person forward to be in theirs?" Andrea Tessier

"Owning who you are is a choice in every single moment"-Andrea Tessier

"This idea of confusion is a myth.  We are listening to so many things around us that it drowns out our knowing."  -Andrea Tessier

"Too often we take responsibility for other people’s feelings."-Krista Resnick

"Words can destroy or words can build a bridge." -Krista Resnick

"We have to take ourselves out of autopilot." -Krista Resnick


Andrea Tessier Website

Freedom Starter Kit

Safe to Rise
