Have you ever caught yourself saying, "A part of me wants to start getting up early and meditating and a part of wants to keep sleeping."
Or, "A part of me wants to go the part on Friday night, but a part of me wants to curl up in bed with a bowl of ice cream and binge out for hours on Netflix."
Well, you aren't crazy-these are 'your parts.'  Parts work otherwise known as Internal Family Systems (a model of therapy developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz) is one of the most incredible healing modalities that I have ever seen truly help people transform their lives.  

Today's guest, Tammy Sollenberger is a certified IFS therapist and author of "The One Inside" a book that helps you to get to know your own parts on a deeper more personal level.

In this episode, Tammy helps us understand our parts, why and how they developed and how they show up in our lives to help us.  While sometimes they seem really annoying and even disturbring (like our over-drinking parts, codependent parts, inner critic parts, self doubt parts, good girl parts)-they really play an integral role in our lives.  Parts often lurk in the background and until we can get curious about and even learn to love them for the role they play, it will feel like a never ending battle.  

We are so accustomed to fixing, changing, blaming, shaming and analyzing ourselves to death.  Quite frankly, it's exhausting!  When we learn to meet our parts with a soft curiosity and even compassion-it is truly the missing piece!

Listen to learn:

What IFS or Parts work is
What makes it different than other therapy modalities
Why parts develop
What parts roles are
The different types of parts
How you can work with your parts to help them soften and create what it is that you crave in your life

"We end up in marriages and relationships and wonder, "Why aren't our needs ever being met, why don't I have any feelings about this or that? And why do my relationships suck?"  Well, it could be there are parts of you that have learned this is how you have to be in relationships in order to be loved." ~Tammy Sollenberger

"Our parts can be exhausting, because they work endlessly to ensure that we never feel rejected abandoned or alone." ~Tammy Sollenberger

"What I also love so much about IFS is that it provides you a different lens to view the world and other people.   When you start to see other people's parts you start to understand Oh, he's not actually acting that way because he's a legit jerk, We start to understand Oh, there's a part showing up here." ~Krista Resnick 

Krista Resnick | Instagram |Facebook

Tammy Sollenberger | The One Inside Book | Instagram | The One Inside Podcast