Do you sometimes struggle to have your voice heard, to take up space and to communicate in a way that really own who you are?  

So many of us bought into the belief that our voices don't matter.  And yet voice is a way for us to communicate our boundaries, our needs and our truth.  The way we speak is a direct correlation to our confidence and self worth.  

Today's guest, Brienne Hennessy is the Founder of Your Vocal Vitality, a highly-sought after Vocal Empowerment Guide, and bestselling Author.  She expertly guides women executives, entrepreneurs and speakers to communicate with more aligned presence, speak frequently without fatigue or strain, and listen to their intuitive inner voice to show up as their truest selves.   Brienne’s clients have succeeded in protecting the vital asset of their voice to increase speaking voice stamina and improve their communication and ease with their audiences, which has resulted in more public speaking prowess and profit for their businesses! Her mission: elevate voice health holistically and enhance self-worth via your unique voice!

My goal with this episode is to take something a tool that we utilize every day (our voice) and consider HOW we are using it.  It's an opportunity to take a closer look at how your voice might be a reflection of where you are holding back, playing the good girl and minimizing your truth.  

"I believe women can connect to their self worth via their voice." ~Brienne Hennessy

"To be heard means to listen to yourself and hear yourself first." ~Brienne Hennessy

" I believe it's a real battle to create rich relationships in your life, when you haven't taken the time to deeply connect with yourself." ~Krista Resnick

"One of my main convictions is love your voice love yourself."~ Brienne Hennessy

Krista Resnick | Website | Instagram | Facebook

Brienne Hennessy | Website | Facebook | Linkedin

To get in touch with Brienne for her VIP day, email her directly at [email protected]