Today I wanted to share with you all an email I received from a follower.   Beth wrote to me because she was so tired, overwhelmed and stressed from trying to hold so much on her plate.  She was struggling because she believed that there was literally no space for her.  However, while this may have felt true, it's often these paradigms that sound like...." I HAVE to give, serve, fix and manage," which are really keeping us stuck in overwhelm and anxiety.  

Beth isn't alone in her question.  So many of us get our roles confused with our true identity.  We believe that we don't have value if we aren't fixing and managing.  We believe we don't matter if we aren't playing the role of good girl, peacekeeper and caretaker.

Let me remind you that YOU are not your ROLE.  Your worth comes from you simply just being YOU.  I want to encourage you to let HER lead.  Who is HER?  Your core essence, your Soul, your highest Self, your favorite Self-whatever you want to call her.  It's that woman that we desire to BE.  However, if we keep believing that we are our role (s), we will never really be able to allow our highest Self to lead.  We will always be victim to the temptations of world and and who it says we need to be.  

Boundary work is self worth worth-it's discovering who you really are in a world that often tells you who it thinks you SHOULD be.   Having CLEAR boundaries and standard protects who we say we are and who we are evolving into.  

Boundary work is some of the most rich and nuanced work we can enter into.  

Listen to this episode to discover:

The problem with 'roles'
What boundary work really is
How we begin to heal from our roles and who we think we need to be.

Before listening consider:

Do you believe that it is your job to fix, manage and caretake everyone else?
Do you often feel overwhelmed, over-worked and resentful in your relationships?
Do you struggle with self worth?

"Learning who we are BEYOND the roles we play is a beautiful and rich part of boundary work." ~Krista Resnick

"God wants us to serve, give and connect with others.  We simply want to be able to draw the line for our own well-being.  We don't want to get swallowed up by the roles we play." ~Krista Resnick

"We are so much more than any role we play." ~Krista Resnick


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