You all know I am a huge fan of nourishing yourself, practicing meditation and getting in tune with the body-today’s show is all about these things.

You’re going to love this episode with Ashley  Holmes who is the CEO & Founder of Holistic Fertility Coach Inc. and international bestselling author. We talk about how to slow down, nourish yourself from the inside out and speak your truth.

Ashley’s work focuses on women struggling with infertility by supporting them to conceive with ease using holistic practices. Her customized 1:1 program works with women’s cycles to give them the energy medicine they need to come back into balance and alignment. Living a life that nourishes your mind, body and spirit is at the heart and soul of the transformation you receive.

Ashley is an expert on the platform ViBLY where you can participate in yoga classes, meditations and her coaching program.

In this amazing episode-Ashley shares her personal and painful story of infertility and how her own personal  journey set her on a path of deep self discovery.  She unpacks for us what exactly chakras are and how to heal these beautiful energy centers. Our chakras impact everything in our life from how we feel on a daily basis to major medical issues.

Listen to Learn:

How to create a meditation practice that works for you
The 7 Chakras
How healing and working with your chakras can help you nourish yourself and speak your truth
How to know when your chakras are out of balance
One great way to nourish your solar plexus chakra-the seat of self love your truth
How we can start to work with and heal our throat chakra

Before listening to this episode, consider….

Do you struggle to speak your truth?
Is nourishing yourself from the inside out a challenge for you?
Are you someone who gives your power away easily to those you deem as having more power or knowledge than you?
Have you struggled to create a consistent meditation practice, yet still wanting to give it a try?
Are you struggling with infertility?
Do you silence yourself?  Do you find yourself constantly self-censoring?

“Meditation GIVES me time.  It doesn’t take time.” ~Ashley Holmes

“When I feel better, my energy is better. And when I am in alignment and balance, then everything flows better. Instead of pushing, forcing, and creating restrictions and barriers it's a way to move and work with yourself instead of against yourself.” ~Ashley Holmes

“Taking a conscious breath and bringing yourself into the present moment is not only helpful. But impactful. It's the one biological function that we often are not paying attention to that can impact us in a really profound way.” ~Ashley Holmes

“We need to not be afraid to own our truth and speak our truth.  It matters that we do not hold our words and our power back. Because when we do….we are not honoring ourselves.” ~Ashley Holmes

“Speaking your truth often will not be comfortable.” ~Krista Resnick

“Vulnerability is strength”~ Krista Resnick

“To be seen and heard is what we are all truly seeking.” ~Ashley Holmes

Krista Resnick

Holiday Triggers & Trip ups


Ashley Holmes
