Have you known that you needed to set a boundary and just struggled to do it?

Do you sometimes beat yourself up for knowing that you need to say no but you find yourself once again subordinating and appeasing?  

This episode is about understanding boundaries from an internal/nervous system perspective.  

I believe that understanding the nervous system is essential in any sort of healing work.   When you begin to understand the nervous system, suddenly-everyone makes sense.  What's so awesome about that is we can begin to move through the world with more compassion-not only toward ourselves, but also toward others.  

Author, therapist, and podcaster Lisa Dion joins me on the show today to dive into understanding what's happening internally when we are dysregulated.  This is essential to boundary work because if we don't know how to come back home to ourselves -we can't regulate and we can't set a boundary from an empowered place.  The alternative is setting boundaries from a place of control and fear which isn't helpful to deepening our relationships.  

Lisa shares with us powerful yet simple practices to help us come back home to ourselves so we can speak our truth and not get swept away by our emotions.  

Listen to Learn:

Why boundaries are not rules
What it means to stay connected to yourself
Why calm and regulated are not the same things and what regulated actually means
The #1 thing that must happen in order to speak your truth
Why nervous system work is essential to boundary work
What empathy can do for us in boundary setting

"I can either stay connected to me-but that might mean I lose other. Or I can try to stay connected to other, which almost definitely means I'm going to lose me." -Lisa Dion

"My own internal sense of okay-ness is not dependent upon whether or not someone likes me, or doesn't like me. Because in those moments, I'm putting my internal boundary in someone else's hands."-Lisa Dion

"We don't know where the boundary is, unless we can feel where the boundary is. So if we're not in our bodies we aren't able to listen to the body cues and we're going to have a hard time listening to that moment where we are about to disconnect or lose ourselves." -Lisa Dion

"When you are connected to yourself,  you have the opportunity play with and be more fluid with your boundaries." -Krista Resnick

"If we're so used to rigid boundary setting, right or wrong boundary setting, or rule based boundary setting, you don't have to learn anything about your body in that. You just have to follow the script."- Lisa Dion

"Boundary work is self discovery work.  It's doing that deep worth work to really fall in love with ourselves." -Krista Resnick