Have you ever wondered why you sometimes react to situations the way that you do?

Do you tend to lash out at those you love?

Do you self-censor and try not to upset the apple cart?

Do you bury yourself in work?

Do you scrolling for hours on facebook and instagram?

Or do you drown your feelings in a gallon of Cherry Garcia ice cream while watching re-runs of Grace and Frankie for an entire weekend?

One of the things that we want to recognize, is that we all have circumstances or relationships in our life that cause us to be triggered.  Triggers cause us to move out of this state of that warm, present cozy, state of connection to ourselves and push us into our safety patterns such as fight, flight and freeze.  

When we are triggered, we are in our survival brain-literally trying to survive whatever is happening outside of ourselves that we deem as potentially dangerous.  Our rational thinking brain is turned 'off line' making it really challenging for us to respond in a way that is connecting and healthy.  Often, we respond by shutting down, walking on egg shells, criticizing, demanding, or simply avoiding.  

Triggers can actually be a beautiful thing-because they show us where some of our deepest work lies.  They can be a pretty awesome invitation to go inward and  heal old wounds, untrue thoughts and unmet needs.  The triggers you experience hold so much incredible feedback. 

They're really your key to understanding your healing.

In this episode I talk about understanding your triggers and your glimmers-those things that bring you back home to yourself.  I share with you plenty of ideas to get you started creating your own glimmer list, but I invite you to create your own so that you can learn exactly what glimmers or resources help you regulate your nervous system and come back home to you.

Before listening consider:

Do you snap easily at people?
Do you find yourself sometimes questioning why you behave or react in the way that you do?
Are you craving healthier more intimate connection with others?
Do you often run from one activity to the next?
Do you sometimes isolate for days or weeks?
Do you sometimes feel resentful in your relationships?

These can all be signs of triggers.  And while triggers are not fun-I can honestly say that they are a gift.  

"Glimmers help you come back home to yourself.  They create a sense of safety and connection to yourself."~Krista Resnick

"When we don't know how to move through conflict, and be in the discomfort of our dysregulation. It's almost impossible to have rich relationship." ~Krista Resnick

"There's a lot of important information in our triggers, I want you to start thinking about triggers being your new invitation to go inward."~ Krista Resnick

"The triggers you experience hold so much  feedback. They're really your key to understanding your healing."~Krista Resnick



Krista Resnick