Perfect Path artwork

Perfect Path

93 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 2 months ago -

I'm the founder of the Tuttle Club and fascinated by organisation. I enjoy making social art and building communities, if you'd like some help from me feel free to e-mail me: Lloyd dot Davis at Gmail dot Com or call +44 (0)79191 82825

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Make Something Every Day – Writing 002

August 28, 2021 19:01

Today I rebelled. Slightly. Or perhaps I just tweaked the rules based on learning what works. I’ve been thinking for a couple of days that Sunday needs to be a review day rather than a full “production” day. Writing And then I pulled “Writing” again. The first repeat. And while I have done some writing … Continue reading Make Something Every Day – Writing 002 →

make something every day – family history 001

August 27, 2021 17:21

“Family History” day kicked off with a memory shared from Facebook. Last year, I saw this photo shared on a South Birmingham Past/Present type group and was pretty sure I’d spotted my aunt, Saffron, so shared it with her and I was right. We think it was 1956. She and Sue gave me some more … Continue reading make something every day – family history 001 →

make something every day – wastecraft 001

August 26, 2021 18:52

THERE ARE DAYS WHEN I SEE THE TASK AND GO “YUK, I DON’T KNOW WHAT I’M GOING TO DO” AND THEN SPEND HOURS THINKING ABOUT IT AND OTHERS, LIKE TODAY, WHERE I KNOW IMMEDIATELY WHAT I WAS GOING TO DO. Today was “WasteCraft” – which is inspired by Ian Willey‘s workshops of the same name. … Continue reading make something every day – wastecraft 001 →

make something every day – make photos 001

August 25, 2021 20:16

I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that today was “Make Photos”. I can do that. I feel good about my photography. I’ve been doing it for a very long time. I mean, I suppose, technically, I’ve been writing longer, but it doesn’t feel like that and I’m just much more comfortable with … Continue reading make something every day – make photos 001 →

make something every day – writing 001

August 24, 2021 20:39

Today, I pulled “Writing”. Yet again, I probably spent more time thinking about what sort of writing I mean and what I wanted to do with today than on actually typing (or scrawling) anything. I can’t see me ever being the sort of professional writer who gets up every day, has a cup of tea, … Continue reading make something every day – writing 001 →

make something every day – craft #1

August 24, 2021 10:11

Seek and ye shall find... Ask and it shall be given. LOL.

make something everyday – music 001

August 22, 2021 20:45

OK, so the answer to the question of whether I work on Sunday was “yes, kinda”. There’s a reason for the sabbath. At a practical level it’s about unwinding and connecting with people we care about. Today was my son’s birthday and I’m glad I had a good long chat with him. But I did … Continue reading make something everyday – music 001 →


August 21, 2021 16:45

I scanned some 35mm film that I shot 40 years ago.

learning how to work out loud again – ANIMation 001

August 21, 2021 16:04

I lost the knack. And I started a job where I found it hard to do it consistently, so didn’t do it at all. And I got diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 56, which explained an awful lot. And after the raging and choruses of “no wonder!” I’m now settling into being able … Continue reading learning how to work out loud again – ANIMation 001 →

Signs of life

June 16, 2021 16:10

Three things popped up on my radar in Guildford this week. Promising signs of things starting to happen. They might not all be to everyone’s taste, but it’s all better than the void in new activity that’s had to pervade for the last year. 1. First one, I can’t find anything official on yet – … Continue reading Signs of life →

In Tuttle last week, I realised something.

January 11, 2021 16:52

It feels like the last ten years have flown by and I haven’t done anything. I’ve done lots of things that were important to do, but compared with the five years before that, none of it feels very significant. And I’ve lost the habit of talking about it out loud. It gets stuck inside me … Continue reading In Tuttle last week, I realised something. →

Hello again

May 30, 2020 10:27

is this thing on? it seems that it takes a very long time for me to get round to writing anything at the moment. partly i blame the facebook. It’s a lazy excuse. Take responsibility. Am I so boneheaded that I would rather a) scroll through blip after blip of my friends’ odd choices of what counts as news or some lunatic theories about how the world works and b) take part in the same ridiculous charade of self-expression by allying myself with somebody else’s thoughtshower? Yes, clearly...

Pandemic Tuttle on Zoom

March 27, 2020 11:48

We did the first one of these this morning.  I’m up for doing it weekly.  Will do a better invite next time.  At the peak we had 16 or 17 people.  It still felt manageable. And Brian broke us the news of the Prime Minister’s infection while we were live. But Facebook won’t allow me … Continue reading Pandemic Tuttle on Zoom →

On Toilet Paper

March 06, 2020 21:43

I’ve seen a few people on FB asking “Why on earth are people hoarding toilet paper?” or else “Why are people panic-buying toilet paper?”.  My intention here is not to put these people down, but to try to unpick what I think is going on here. In Facebook bubble world, the hot-takes in response to … Continue reading On Toilet Paper →

weeknotes 07/2020

February 24, 2020 13:20

Five weeks later and I’ve found some time to blog again.  I’m having to pay more attention to where I put my efforts – people are getting to know that there’s another helpful chap around.  I am, sooner or later, going to have to get used to disappointing people and saying no, but not quite … Continue reading weeknotes 07/2020 →

Singing For The Mind

February 18, 2020 15:32

I wrote this, and my manager Graham kindly read it, for the service last Sunday about the music work we do with people living with dementia and their carers. “Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.” Twenty voices in unison releasing for a few minutes the individual identities we brought … Continue reading Singing For The Mind →

weeknotes 02/2020

January 21, 2020 17:51

I started working as Community Worker at Guildford United Reformed Church in the middle of last November.  It was fun trying to find my feet working in a church for the first time in the weeks running up to Christmas.  I’ve settled into a bit more of a routine now and started writing weeknotes, primarily … Continue reading weeknotes 02/2020 →

Guildford Anti-Flood

November 03, 2019 14:19

On Saturday afternoon, the weir and footbridge on the River Wey just upstream from the Millmead Lock collapsed. It’s a popular place for people to stroll at the weekend, so it’s not surprising that there was someone on the bridge at the time and given it’s 2019, equally unsurprising that they managed to shoot some … Continue reading Guildford Anti-Flood →

Redecentralize Conference

October 31, 2019 13:53

I helped run the Redecentralize 2019 unconference in London last Friday. “Everyone wants to know what happened, but nobody wants to write a report” is an exaggerated version of a familiar refrain at unconferences.  We used etherpads for people to be able make contemporaneous notes (although that was minorly scuppered by poor WiFi access).  So … Continue reading Redecentralize Conference →

Back to the beginning

October 29, 2019 20:20

I’ve spent some time this afternoon working out where some of my earliest stuff on the web is.  It’s easy to forget now what it was like, at the turn of the century, to get a web site up and write stuff to it. The Wayback Machine is a great help, but the archiving runs … Continue reading Back to the beginning →

Something to fall back on

November 26, 2018 12:45

When I was in the Sixth Form and applying for drama degrees, my headmaster invited me in for a chat one day.  He very much wanted to impress on me the folly of relying on the arts for a career.  Little did he know at the time that I was doing so little work on … Continue reading Something to fall back on →

One way to get people in

November 16, 2018 11:48

It’s the time of year that without cultural cues like sweet sticky chocolately smells or repetitive music from (mostly) happy times in our childhood, we’d stay at home.  But that would be derelicting our civic duty to shop and engage with our favourite brands downtown! So someone hires the chocolate peanut man and pays the … Continue reading One way to get people in →

keep building the web

November 16, 2018 10:48

Look, it’s only been twenty-five years we’ve had this thing, it takes time to understand how it works over longer time periods. I know that for some people the web is over, blogs are over, because FB is where everyone’s talking. And I do know a lot of people who seem to spend a lot … Continue reading keep building the web →

Humanising the High Street

November 14, 2018 12:36

I’m thinking about this a lot. When we moved to Guildford eighteen months ago, I would find myself gobsmacked at the zombie-ness of the Saturday shoppers – wandering the town centre looking for something, anything to fill the hole in the soul. Bloody Surrey! Bloody boomers with their early retirement and 10x property value increases. … Continue reading Humanising the High Street →

Wake Up!

November 13, 2018 18:24

Sorry. This is a bit of a filler to say that I’m intending to be writing here again more. I’ve been blogging over on Steemit the blockchain-based blogging platform where you get paid in cryptocurrency for writing, commenting and curating and I’ll still be over there, but because of the market-like nature of it, it … Continue reading Wake Up! →

Election Daze: Help Us Find Venues

April 21, 2017 15:05

The process for setting up events is a bit chicken and egg so you have to start somewhere. We only have six and a bit weeks so it will have to work pragmatically rather than most efficiently or elegantly.  The main criterion is “Are You Outside London?”  If you are and you’d like us to … Continue reading Election Daze: Help Us Find Venues →

Opening Space To Talk Power & Politics Before the General Election

April 19, 2017 14:45

TL;DR – I’m going to open as much space as I can, all around the UK, before the General Election to talk about power and politics and us at a much deeper and more practical level than is available online.  There’s a Loomio Group Facebook Group to join if you want to help make it … Continue reading Opening Space To Talk Power & Politics Before the General Election →

Writing Exercise… and cars!

April 12, 2017 10:40

I ran Blog Club in London today with an exercise from the most awesome Lynda Barry. If you want to play too, here’s her blog post with instructions and words from the fine woman herself. I’ve done it with groups a few times and it’s really good warm up for getting into the writing space … Continue reading Writing Exercise… and cars! →

Collaboration – the why redux

April 03, 2017 11:41 - 312 KB application/pdf

If “collaboration” is the answer, what’s the question? For most people it’s “How do we get things done that are too big for one person alone”. OK but that sounds like any sort of organisation. I think for businesses and larger organisations it’s more like “How do we increase the productivity of ‘knowledge workers’?” Drucker … Continue reading Collaboration – the why redux →

Blog Club: Six things I hate about Headlines

February 15, 2017 11:40

So yeah, hate might be a bit strong but we’ve been talking this morning about titles for blog posts. You’ll remember that last week we fired off as many headlines as we could. Today we’ve talked about crafting them a bit more. My things are: It’s one of those things again that falls too quickly … Continue reading Blog Club: Six things I hate about Headlines →

Blog Club: Thirty blog posts I’ll (probably) never write

February 08, 2017 12:05

Bridlington Leisure Centre By Martin Dawes, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link At today’s Blog Club we did an exercise to kick off with. We had ten minutes to write twenty-five titles of blog posts we’d like to write. I ignored the “like to” bit and just wrote as many off the top of my head titles … Continue reading Blog Club: Thirty blog posts I’ll (probably) never write →

@WorkHubs Weeknote 001

February 03, 2017 14:10

I’ve been here a week! So this is an attempt at a log in the sense that Austin Kleon uses – it’s just a list of simple facts. In every day. Had one meeting. Wrote three blog posts. Met lots of new people. Drank a lot of coffee. Had a wander around the immediate neighbourhood. … Continue reading @WorkHubs Weeknote 001 →

Blog Club: Creating Conditions for Productivity

February 01, 2017 11:40

“Productivity and the conditions that we need for it” was just suggested and settled on as today’s topic at Blog Club. In the few minutes that we were talking about it, I noticed on my phone that scientologylondon had just liked this photo of mine on instagram, so I screenshot it and instagram the notification. … Continue reading Blog Club: Creating Conditions for Productivity →

“A bit of Blockchain” with @berniejmitchell

January 30, 2017 12:57

One of the immediate benefits of working in downtown Euston has been that I’ve been reminded of this podcast I did with Bernie a few months ago when we first started talking about the “Airbnb of Brains”. Check it out. It has a bit of Blockchain, but it’s mostly about different ways of working together. … Continue reading “A bit of Blockchain” with @berniejmitchell →

On Renewal(s)

January 28, 2017 20:07

This post is intended as a starting point for online collaboration – let it be a launchpad for something you make yourself. I think the first time I heard the word renewal it was in relation to library books. If you wanted to keep a book longer than the standard amount of time, past the … Continue reading On Renewal(s) →

Come collaborate with me at @WorkHubs

January 28, 2017 18:35

From this Monday, I’m going to be hanging out (as full-time as I ever do such a thing) and working in the Euston co-working space atworkhubs with the lovely Philip Dodson and Bernie Mitchell. I’ve been to a couple of Blog Clubs on Wednesday morning and there’s also a Write Club on Thursday mornings (short planning … Continue reading Come collaborate with me at @WorkHubs →

Streemian Token (ignore!)

January 27, 2017 14:12


A mini West Midlands adventure

January 17, 2017 15:39

I’ve got a few days this week in the best part of the country there is. At least that’s what Dudley Zoo looked like 50 years ago… I’m travelling up to Dudley on Wednesday morning and spending the afternoon with Lorna Prescott and friends and whoever else turns up at Gather Dudley at 65 High Street. If … Continue reading A mini West Midlands adventure →

Suggest a theme for next month’s Tuttle Moonthly

January 11, 2017 14:21

In November I decided to switch my Patreon to supporting a monthly collaboration journal called Tuttle Moonthly to be published on (or as near as poss to) the full moon. It’s been a great way of focusing myself on what I’m most interested in, where I’m actually at with collaborative work and thinking about what … Continue reading Suggest a theme for next month’s Tuttle Moonthly →

Bristol and Birmingham in January: Help needed please

January 03, 2017 14:58

Hello and Happy New Year! This is an asking for help post.  I’ve got a bit of a tickly cough otherwise this would have been a vlog. I’ve got two things to do in January outside London, which I’d like help filling out with other stuff. Birmingham: I’m very pleased to be co-facilitating a conference … Continue reading Bristol and Birmingham in January: Help needed please →

vlog 161205: Missing C4CC

December 06, 2016 17:44

  It’s cold, it’s getting darker and we need to make it easier to work together on the things that matter, removing some of the more common barriers to collaboration that you see in this city. C4CC removed many barriers.  We worked hard to maintain that ethos of openness in the face of pressure from … Continue reading vlog 161205: Missing C4CC →

Vlog 161116 – Part 1 – Inspiration

November 16, 2016 18:39

I went to the London Bloggers Meetup last night for the first time in a while. It was on video-blogging and as well as hearing from and meeting some interesting people, it helped me get a few ideas about my own work slotted into place. In particular it inspired me to do more of the … Continue reading Vlog 161116 – Part 1 – Inspiration →

The Enemy Within

November 10, 2016 20:29

I’ve been talking about the “enemy within” since the time of the Brexit vote but the same thing applies to the current themes in American politics. My first reaction to these authoritarian men who whip up populist support at the cost of anyone who’s a little bit different is anger and hatred. And then I … Continue reading The Enemy Within →

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