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I helped run the Redecentralize 2019 unconference in London last Friday. “Everyone wants to know what happened, but nobody wants to write a report” is an exaggerated version of a familiar refrain at unconferences.  We used etherpads for people to be able make contemporaneous notes (although that was minorly scuppered by poor WiFi access).  So … Continue reading Redecentralize Conference →

I helped run the Redecentralize 2019 unconference in London last Friday.

“Everyone wants to know what happened, but nobody wants to write a report” is an exaggerated version of a familiar refrain at unconferences.  We used etherpads for people to be able make contemporaneous notes (although that was minorly scuppered by poor WiFi access).  So far, nearly a week later, we have 9 reports out of 26 sessions called.  That’s about one in three.  There’s an index of all the sessions called so you can see the range of conversations we had.

So far I’ve seen blog posts from Tantek Çelik and Piper Haywood.

The #redecentralize tag seems to pick up the most from Twitter but #rdc19 was also used.

Ryan put some sterling work into capturing what he could for live streamed video

If you were there and you haven’t blogged about it or added your thoughts to the notes, it’s never too late!

Overall, my take was that interoperability is seen as a more important focus than decentralization for its own sake.  There were conversations about standards, models, public policy and UX patterns.  There was concern in the room about how to deal with personal and group abuse effectively.  There was a healthy mix of light-hearted joking and serious talk about important issues.

There was also a pad of sign-ups to give you an idea of the sorts of people who came.