Bridlington Leisure Centre By Martin Dawes, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link At today’s Blog Club we did an exercise to kick off with. We had ten minutes to write twenty-five titles of blog posts we’d like to write. I ignored the “like to” bit and just wrote as many off the top of my head titles … Continue reading Blog Club: Thirty blog posts I’ll (probably) never write →

Bridlington Leisure Centre By Martin Dawes, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link

At today’s Blog Club we did an exercise to kick off with. We had ten minutes to write twenty-five titles of blog posts we’d like to write. I ignored the “like to” bit and just wrote as many off the top of my head titles I could think of. I came up with thirty-five. The thing is, when you let go of actually having to do anything with them, you can come up with a lot more than you’d imagine.

The next bit of the exercise was to choose five to actually write (one of which was “Ten blog posts I’ll never write” which I’ve turned into this one).

So that leaves the other thirty, which I didn’t want to throw away, so here they are:

Eating dinner with Chris Brogan
How to play the violin if you’ve never done it before
The hypocrisy of babies
Jelly – my part in it’s downfall
How to have hope
Using household objects to make a movie
How huge is this artichoke?
The three types of people you meet at an unconference
Is there anything bigger than this experience?
The view from Clee Hill
Eating out in Rhyl
How I turned my bedroom into a cinema in 2 weeks
On the bus
How much coffee is too much?
When caring goes bad
The dark side of Jaffa cakes
Dear Lazyweb, please recreate
A man on a train in West Texas
Apricots: what’s the point?
Fifteen amazing people in Bridlington
How corned beef saved my life
Twenty-two things to do with a bottle opener
Crazy golf without the crazy
When did you last see your Aunty Beryl
Eating shellfish: a primer
If you can’t do this thing, you’ll never do anything
Don’t wait, keep it moving
Primary School Blues

On second thoughts, I probably will write some of these.

But what were the other five?

Great tube journeys in Zone 3
Ten (thirty) blog posts I’ll never write.
Stop thinking!!
Today I shot a gun for the first time
The devil makes work for idle hands

Watch this space.