Business and work culture are always changing. And with more people pursuing entrepreneurship, whether they’re following their passion or because running their own business is the only way to juggle work and life, there are more opportunities for us to impact how we do work.

To create the change we want to witness, and cultures that are more inclusive, more supportive, and more adaptable, we have to learn to reconsider our normal in work and in life.

Racheal Cook joins Erica to discuss the impact on her business of reconsidering her normal and getting explicit about her values.

In this discussion:

How reconsidering your normal supports your business in being proactive, not reactive How a society-wide shift toward self-employment and entrepreneurship creates opportunities to dramatically reshape work culture How integrating her values into her business created more ease for Racheal and her team Why we need to stop relentlessly scaling up and putting celebrity entrepreneurs on pedestals

Connect with Racheal Cook: 

The CEO Collective Promote Yourself to CEO Podcast Instagram: @racheal.cook

Ready to dive deeper?

Providing space for people to Reconsider Their Normal is one of the reasons we started The Pause on the Play® Community.

Having a place, and community support, to be able to reevaluate and decide what feels like the best next choice for you, for where you want to go, the kind of impact you want to create, and the legacy you want to leave behind is what The Community is made for. 

Community members get access to conversations, Q&As with Erica and India, office hours, workshops, and our entire library of evergreen resources and replays.

Learn more at


Racheal recommends Victoria’s Secret: Angels and Demons Listen to Racheal on the definition of success on the Promote Yourself to CEO podcast Listen to Pause on the Play® Community members on their definitions of success on the Pause on the Play® podcast