There has been a lot of conversation about dismantling systems of oppression over the last few years. But too often, this conversation stalls before turning into action. 

It’s not enough to have language to explain concepts and systems of supremacy, disrimination, and exploitation or to simply take in information.

Kim Crayton joins Erica for a wide-ranging conversation about why she’s done with call outs, why dismantling systems isn’t enough, and how she’s envisioning and creating alternative systems through Profit Without Oppression.

In this discussion:

Why Kim is no longer interested in calling out harm How academic theories like white guilt and fragility inhibit action Why Kim doesn’t use the term ally How Kim is envisioning a future that is supremacy free, coercion free, discrimination free, and exploitation free

Connect with Kim Crrayton: Preorder Profit Without Oppression: A Blueprint for Building an Antiracist Organization

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Inside The Pause on the Play® Community, action is really the thing.

While conversations are essential to understanding what’s happening, reconsidering your normal, and envisioning what’s possible; it has to translate to action.

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Read Audre Lord Read The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith Read the Powell Memo: Attack on American Free Enterprise System