Many of us are familiar with affiliate partnership programs and how they can help market our businesses and grow our audiences. 

And partner programs can be an appealing way to bring your offer to a wider range of people without having to use marketing methods that aren’t in alignment with your values.

But advice about building an affiliate program can be disingenuous, making it sound overly easy or even exploitative.

Laura Sprinkle interviews Erica and India about the development of the Pause on the Play® Community, why they chose to have a partner program rather than focus on traditional marketing, how they designed a values-driven affiliate program, and what they’ve learned in the process.

In this discussion:

Why Erica and India developed Pause on the Play® as a podcast and a community How their affiliate program built off of the organic sharing they already had in order to form partnerships based on values and equity Common practices and misconceptions for affiliate programs that Erica and India wanted to disrupt How the program reinforces reciprocal relationships of giving and receiving

Connect with Laura Sprinkle: Rock Your Affiliate Program Instagram: @imlaurasprinkle

Ready to dive deeper?

We often discuss integrating our personal values into our businesses. We’ve been conditioned to show up to work as our “professional” self and leave our personal beliefs behind. But the truth is, values inform every area of our life, so why try to compartmentalize?

Each month in Pause on the Play® The Community we explore one specific way to make your values more explicit. Our curated connections and learning experiences provide a space where you can ask questions, challenge assumptions, and process current events in real time.

Members get access to monthly curations, workshops, live Q&As, community discussion, and our full library of evergreen resources and replays.

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