In this episode, our guest is Samppa Nykanen, who is based in Helsinki, Finland. Samppa shares his experiences growing up in a small town in central Finland, surrounded by the peaceful Finnish Lake District. He talks about his desire to move abroad and experience different cultures.

Samppa delves into the rich tapestry of his personal journey, painting a vivid picture of the challenges he faced and the lessons he learned along the way. He reflects on the transformative power of embracing new experiences and stepping outside of his comfort zone.

Moreover, Sampa sheds light on some often misunderstood aspects of Finnish culture, debunking the notion that Finnish people are inherently shy and reserved. He emphasizes the warmth and openness that lies beneath their initial reserve and discusses the ease of having open and meaningful conversations with Finns once you get to know them.

Additionally, Sampa shares his fondness for the traditions of his hometown, including the cherished ritual of sauna and the joy of swimming in the crystal-clear lakes that dot the Finnish landscape. He reminisces about the tranquility and serenity of Finland, contrasting it with the bustling energy of other countries he has visited.

All in all, Samppa's personal journey and insights offer a captivating glimpse into the unique aspects of Finnish culture and lifestyle. From his humble beginnings in a small town to his adventures in foreign lands, Samppa's story serves as an inspiration for aspiring leaders and a reminder of the beauty and diversity that exists within the global business community.