Are negative thoughts destroying your life?  Are you ready to learn CBT  techniques to stop negative thinking? In today’s show, therapist Frank Sasso, discusses approaches for transforming critical thoughts into a more positive mindset.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a proven treatment for anxiety, depression as well as many other mental health disorders. This episode will help you learn how to reframe negative thoughts so that you become more aware of All or nothing thinking patterns.

For full show notes , head over to the website by clicking here.:

In cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, patients are asked to complete homework assignments as part of treatment. On of the most common projects are what is known as thought journals. This allows the person overtime to conscious awareness of their own negative thinking patterns. If you are interested in learning a CBT technique for anxiety or panic attacks, then may be interesting for you. 

Disclaimer: This podcast is not a replacement for mental health treatment. 

Wondering why people hold grudges? Make sure to listen to the email segment of this program. If you liked the information, please subscribe to the Anxiety Therapist Podcast on whatever listening app you’re using.