This series will be talking about relationships, selfcare, date nights, love languages and more. Throughout the week, we're serving up a blend of personal stories, expert advice, and practical tips to add some spice to your love life. 


Meet Mika, our first guest on this series. Mika is a licensed therapist, relationship coach, and mom of 3 with 18 years of experience transforming relationships. With a mission to reduce fear in difficult conversations, she promotes emotional intimacy, connection, and improved communication, empowering individuals and couples to create fulfilling homes and balanced lives.


What you'll hear in this episode:

[4:24] What are some common challenges that couples face?

[8:25] How do you help approach couples to rebuild trust?

[10:13] What is emotional intimacy?

[13:11 ] How can knowing your love language help your relationship?

[19:58] What is something everyone should know about communication?

[24:20] What are some common misconceptions with conflicts in a relationship?

[31:14] What's something new that's on your radar currently in your field?


*Connect with Mika Ross on IG @mikaross.therapist


*Connect with fit-flavors on IG @fit_flavors_stl

*Visit fit-flavors locations


*Submit your question to be answered on the podcast:


*Connect with me on IG @jilliantedesco


*Order your copy of my book, Owning the Wait, now!