Social media overwhelm anyone?!

Hate how much time social media is stealing from you but can’t seem to stop checking?

Dislike how you feel after you’ve lost another hour mindlessly scrolling?

Fed up with how much space thoughts about others on social media is taking up in your head?

Social media - the good, the bad and the ugly and how to take back control of your usage for good (and everyone’s good).

Am episode in two parts. Part 1 discusses reframing social media from terrible to a neutral space you have the power to change for good.

Part 2 teaches body mindfulness techniques and tips for regaining control of your social media use. Reclaim your life from your phone.

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If you’d like a deeper dive into how my tuning in method can help you move from overwhelm to ease then please click on the link below for details of my online course (with a special £30 off for listeners of this podcast)

From Overwhelm to Ease