"Podcasting isn't easy," says international broadcast consultant and author Valerie Geller.

But, she says, if you love doing it, that won't stop you.    And if you're producing a podcast, she can tell you exactly how to make it a magical experience for your listeners.

During the recent Podcast Movement 2017 conference, in Anaheim, we discussed the elements behind that magic.

Valerie, who is the president of Geller Media International, is the recipient of the Conclave's Rockwell Lifetime Achievement Award for her work in radio.  Her radio background includes serving as program director at New York's WABC, training talent for broadcast stations in thirty-five countries, and publishing four books.  Excerpts from her most recent one, "Beyond Powerful Radio: A Communicator's Guide to the Internet Age" appear in Kerry Lutz's new book, "Viral Podcasting: A Proven Process to Earn a 6-Figure Income From Your Show".

And with the explosion of podcasting, now she also applies her expertise to training podcasters.  Her focus: creating an excellent product that will keep listeners captivated.

Valerie talked about the elements that make a podcast compelling, some common mistakes podcasters make, and some of the qualities podcasters need to make their shows successful.
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you'll hear:

How to engage a podcast audience from the start;

The story behind "Viral Podcasting";

The three-step essence of a compelling podcast;

Some "do's" and "don't" of doing a podcast;

The layers of storytelling, for a show;

How to slip in "personality" on an interview podcast;

An important risk which serious podcasters need to take;

How to know when your podcast ventures into "boring" territory;

What matters more than "the right podcast length".