Today, there's a lot of hype about podcast monetization.

Podcasting is exploding.  And the Internet is full of stories of people who launched podcasts, built communities--and ultimately, wound up with six-figure incomes.

But, just how realistic is all of this, for the average person?

Not very, says podcast business strategist, talent agent and podcaster Jessica Kupferman.  Jessica launched J/K Media Agency, the first advertising agency for podcasters, in 2016.  Since then, she's been acting as a liason between podcasters and sponsors.  However, she warns, your podcast needs to have a major reach.   (Think thousands, not hundreds, of downloads per episode.)  And even then, "podcast monetization" would translate much more closely to buying an extra latte, than to vacationing in the south of France.

With all that said, though, earning an income from your podcast can be doable.  Jessica (who is the co-founder of She Podcasts, a podcasting network for and about women) talked about the myths about podcast monetization, the areas on which to focus if you'd like to monetize, and where to go from here.
On this edition of Over Coffee®, you'll hear:

Jessica's perspective on the mistakes podcasters make, when they think about monetization;

Some of the best ways to monetize a new podcast;

Why individual podcasters can't realistically expect the same response as some of the "big-money" names in podcasting today;

How to market your podcast when you're a one-person shop;

The reality of podcast download figures, as they relate to monetization value;

Some of the mistakes podcasters make, when doing "reads" for new sponsors;

Where to find Jessica's free resources, that will tell you whether your podcast is ready for sponsorship--and what to do, if the answer is "no" at the present time.

 And, don't forget to check out the "She Podcasts" podcast, which Jessica co-hosts with Elsie Escobar!   In addition, here's the story of how Jessica herself got started in podcasting, from our 2016 Over Coffee® interview.