It shocks me how often I get into a conversation with agents, even those with a lot of experience, who tell me that they have no clue where their leads are coming from, how many they have, or what their conversion rates look like. 

Part of the reason this is so surprising to me is that we real estate professionals are business owners, and business owners must be informed as they make decisions within their daily tasks and their careers. One particularly crucial point all agents and business owners must understand is where they’re seeing the biggest return on investment (or ROI). 

For Realtors, tracking your leads is a key strategy for determining this. You must know which lead sources are working, and which are not. If you find that open house leads are working better than internet leads, for example, it makes sense to allocate more money and time into your open houses.

“Tracking leads will greatly improve your success as an agent.”

But what’s the best way to track leads? 

My recommendation is that you use an intake form. On our team, our intake form doubles up on a client information sheet. 

Your intake form should contain all relevant information about your clients, including their name, contact information, and where they heard about you. 99% of the time, clients will be happy to tell you where they first heard about your business. It’s really as simple as asking them when you meet up for the first time. 

Beyond just tracking where your leads come from, though, you must also track conversion. The easiest way to do this is by using a spreadsheet. 

Tracking this data on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis will show you trends over time, and being able to predict, adjust, and use these trends to your advantage will greatly improve your success as an agent. 

I know that the prospect of tracking leads may sound daunting, but it is actually quite simple and will have a major positive impact on your business. 

If you have any other questions, would like more information, or would like more advice on tracking leads, feel free to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.