Buyer lead generation is one of the most effective ways to build a real estate business quickly. It is the cornerstone of many real estate businesses. My team started off focusing solely on buyer lead generation and conversion, and we have built our team on that concept. We sell to a ton of buyers and turn them into lifetime clients who will ultimately become listings. There are many options for buyer lead generation, but I have found that internet leads are the best source for our team. They have really helped us build quite the business. There are also platforms for purchase, including Real Geeks, BoomTown, and Commissions, Inc., which we use. All the options can be overwhelming, but keep in mind that no matter where you get your buyer leads, you have to have a system in place to be successful. You need to have a good tracking system to ensure you are getting a return on investment as well as have a good system for follow-up and that you are nurturing and creating a long-term conversion.

“Our team has a 21-day follow up system because we understand that internet leads are forced registrations.”

Our team has a 21-day follow-up system because we understand that internet leads are forced registrations. People go online searching homes for sale and these websites require them to enter their information to see the homes. At that point, they become leads because now we have their contact information. These leads are not looking for a Realtor to call them. In fact, many are not ready to buy a house at all. They simply went to the website because they wanted to see properties. So, we have to bring a superior level of service, bring a lot of value, and become a great resource for you. We have to understand that they are looking at multiple websites at any one time, so having great service that will help build a good rapport and trust is crucial. It may seem like a lot when we send out 10 different phone calls, five text messages, and five emails to each and every lead, but this ensures that everyone who registers on our website is getting the highest level of service. We are communicating with them at the highest level. And, then they will feel like we are bringing them a lot of value. With internet leads, you have to understand that this is the long game. Like I mentioned before, they are usually not ready to purchase. Our team sold over 100 internet leads last year, and the average lead spent 234 days on our website before they closed. The fastest was 28 days while the longest was 839. This is a nurturing process, so understanding that you have a follow-up process in place will assure your success. Luckily, many other companies are in for a quick deal, so when they get a lead from registration, they do not think they are good leads since they are not ready to transact now. This gives us an advantage because we understand that an average lead is 12 to 24 months away from purchasing.  We did over 100 internet deals last year because of this. And, this year, we may do closer to 150 or even 175. If you are interested in possibly starting to generate buyer leads via the internet or you already use the internet and you are not seeing the success you would like, please feel free to reach out to me. I would be happy to share some of the tips and tricks that we use.