Now is absolutely a great time to consider a career in the real estate industry here in Orlando. 

There are a variety of reasons why, but most of them boil down to the fact that our market is sizzling hot. It’s actually been hot for quite some time now, and it’s expected to continue to be for the near future. Interest rates are low, consumer confidence is high, and housing is still affordable in Central Florida. There are a lot of buyers and a lot of sellers out there. 

In addition to that, Orlando is considered one of the top real estate markets in the country—not only for homebuyers, but for investors and rental properties as well. Most experts predict this trend to continue for a minimum of the next two or three years. We have lots of job growth and lots of people moving into our area, which makes for a very strong market. Overall, consumer confidence is high everywhere around the country. The stock market keeps increasing, and people keep spending money.

“At the Nickley Group, we focus on the daily habits it takes to be successful in this business.”

Here at the Nickley Group, we do things slightly differently in order to create stable careers for our agents. One way is by teaching them how to treat their business like a business, and not just a job in the real estate industry. 

We focus on the daily habits it takes to be successful in this business. We coach, train, and hold our agents accountable, and we also focus daily on new business development, time management, database management, and other factors that make for a healthy, successful career. 

If you are considering a career in the real estate industry or you’re not happy where you’re at and you want to produce at a higher level, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. I’d love to speak with you and figure out how we can help you grow your real estate career.