In session 22, "Mindful of my growth mindset" we explore the power of having a growth mindset and becoming mindful of continuously growing and evolving. This session is inspired by Carol Dweck's classic book "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success" which illustrates through countless examples how a growth mindset, embracing change, having a spirit of experimentation and looking at failures as learning opportunities for growth can transform an individuals life and set them up for success. The session ends with Dustin Guinee leading practitioners in a self-inquiry meditation using powerful questions such as, "Who am I?" and "Why am I here?", to peel back the layers of self and uncover the ego-less awareness that lies beneath. Dustin also shares his new poem, "Time to Grow" a testament to Mother Nature's flawless system of growth and change and how we can tap into that flow state and growth state to transform our hearts and minds.

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