Nicholas Pearson explains how Reiki reveals the true self and how integrative healing helps navigate life’s challenges. Nicholas is an award-winning author and Reiki teacher. And, he’s been immersed in all aspects of the mineral kingdom for nearly three decades. Furthermore, he began his Reiki journey in 2006 and has trained in traditional and nontraditional forms of Reiki. 

Also, Nicholas is a Certified Medical Reiki Master and an Animal Reiki practitioner. And, he serves on the Board of Directors of Shelter Animal Reiki Association. In addition, Nicholas offers seminars on crystal healing, Reiki, and flower essence therapy online and around the world. And, he’s the author of eight books.   

Listen and learn as Nicholas and I discuss how his spiritual practice which includes Reiki, crystal healing, and flower essences, have helped him navigate struggles and mental illness.

Resources Mentioned: 

Nicholas’ Website: The Luminous Pearl Buy Nicholas’ Books: Nicholas Pearson Instagram   Other Resources: Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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