Romana Hasenöhrl says find out what you really want and then do it! Romana is a "Happiness Coach", a writer, astrologer, and not to forget, a clown. Furthermore, she talks about big mistakes on international podcasts and platforms like "F#$kup Nights" and she knows how it is to get big challenges in life.  

In 2003 she had a bad accident while skydiving. And this was the first time in her life she realized that life can end within a moment. Then, Ramona lost her dream job in 2012, at the age of 44. And, after one year of struggling she lost everything else: her partner, friends, confidence, security.

Furthermore, by the end of 2013 she did not know how to pay her rent. But her humor stayed. And, she founded her own company as an astrological coach and got back on her feet. This gives her the experience to support people in similar situations. 

Romana has published eight books and supports people to find out what they really, really want - and live a happy life. And, she’s a person who tries everything she wants. Skydiving, paragliding, motorcycle tours, pilgrimages.

Also, she walked from Salzburg to Innsbruck because she wanted to know how this feels. And, she worked in grape harvesting, in olive gardens, garages and at a joiners shop, for television and newspapers and book publishers. Finally, Romana believes in the power of staying interested and curious all your life.

Resources Mentioned: Connect with Romana on LinkedIn E-mail Romana - [email protected] Happiness Reloaded Podcast Buy Romana’s Books Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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