A long time ago, Jeff Romig was asked a simple question: “If you could say one last thing to your dad, what would it be?” And, Jeff only needed four words: Don’t. F*cking. Kill. Yourself.

Jeff Romig spent his career learning the ins and outs of community as a journalist, political strategist, nonprofit executive, and fundraiser. And, through each line of his resume, he’s fought a daily battle against his own mind.

Furthermore, Jeff wrote Don't F*cking Kill Yourself: A Memoir of Suicide, Survival, and Stories That Keep Us Alive to remind us that the perfect LinkedIn profiles we browse through every day don’t tell the whole story. Consequently, in opening up about his life, Jeff hopes that people who share similar struggles will see their own value, push through their dark moments, embrace resiliency, and stay alive.

Jeff experienced an abundance of healing through the writing process, especially in respect to his relationship with the trauma of his dad’s suicide. But, more than anything, he discovered – and now is rooted in – three key tools that help him navigate his mental illness and his darkest moments of suicidal ideation.

1. Reduce the Stigma by Sharing: Creating conversation and sharing about suicidal ideation is critical, not only to keep the ideas in your mind from turning into pure poison, but to help reduce the stigma on having these conversations publicly with others whether in person or through social media.

2. People, Passions & Experiences: To get through the darkest moments, is to root oneself in the people, passions, and experiences that bring joy and keep oneself alive. These are the stories Jeff shares in DFKY. When you can connect with these memories, you find that you’re given the perspective needed to get out of your own head.

3. Don’t. F*cking. Kill. Yourself. - “If I stay alive, I can do anything.”: Keeping this thought at the forefront of your mind leads you into remembering the first two tools, and, is the most powerful thing to remember in your darkest moments.

Resources Mentioned: 

Jeff - LinkedIn Instagram & Twitter: @dfkybook and @sharewithsss May is Mental Health Awareness Month Suicide Prevention Resources Buy Jeff’s Book Connect with Emily on LinkedIn  Emily Harman Positive Intelligence Coaching Program  Onward Accelerator Coaching Program Onward: Twitter | Onward Movement Facebook Group | YouTube Buy Emily’s Best Selling Book Step Into the Spotlight Schedule a Complimentary Coaching Call with Emily Music by Soul Pajamas

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