Meghan Walsh is a loving mom who had her four children torn away from her by her father, John Walsh, and the Family Court System. Originally created to protect children, it has become a nightmare for parents across our country as it rips children away from good parents and gives them to pedophilia parents, grandparents, or into the foster care system. Meghan and her children are the latest victims in a long line of families who have suffered the same fate. Meghan is bravely voicing the abuse publicly and her fight is our fight. In a collaboration with Emma of The Imagination Podcast, Penny Shephard of The Dark Outpost Podcast, and Sylvia from Rescue the Fosters. We are trying to raise a minimum of $2,000 for Meghan for immediate needs to try to get her children back and comply with all the courts are demanding. Anything you can give will be helpful, no amount is too small. You can give to Meghan directly, and all go will to her with nothing taken out if you go to PayPal: [email protected]. Meghan and her children can also use all the prayers you can send her way. Thank you for your support!