I am delighted to introduce part one of a series of interviews with Angie Power-Disney. Angie is an sra and MK Ultra survivor who almost didn't reach out to me because of our victor series because she didn't feel she could claim victor status yet because she was still healing. I disagree. She is still alive, still fighting, and still passionately in love with Jesus and working to understand and be able to trust God and grow closer to Him. Angie began life in strange hospital circumstances that bring up so many questions that you are already confused with her life right along with her. Her father was in the British Royal Air Force and traveled the world, bringing Angie and her sisters into military underground bases and high elite parties where she and her sisters were ritually abused, experimented on with MK Ultra, sex trafficked, physically abused, emotionally abused, and the list, sadly, goes on and on. Angie has very clear memories in how she arrived at places and then the memories just faded as drugs must have been introduced, leaving her with fragmented memories that frustrate her to this day. She feels that if she could just grasp all that happened, understand them, then maybe she could finally heal and get peace. Her story is riveting and heartbreaking. Her eyes echo her story. Pray for Angie's safety and healing as we go forward as the attacks against her are many with the elite that abused her. Thank you, as always, for listening.   To connect with Angie:  If you can contribute it HELPS and thankyou to those who do xx  https://gofund.me/7b64859a   Youtube: https://youtu.be/H1GenajJG_Q Archives of Truth: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC81e... Blog: https://angelascaches.org/​ Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/6NTy... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/powerdisney​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AngelaPowerDis1 Telegram: https://t.me/AngelaPowerDisney email: [email protected]  To support Only God Rescued Me, please find go to:  www.buymeacoffee.com/onlygod

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