{Blog Post for Show Notes: https://trinadeboreeteachingandlearning.com/one-tired-teacher-blog/28}

There is a love hate relationship with the end of the school year for teachers. We often hate all the tedious tasks we are asked to do like pack up our entire classroom just to unpack 2 months later, create class lists, and say goodbye to our kids and co-workers. We also love the idea of starting fresh in August, organizing our things, and getting a much needed break from the daily grind.

In episode 28, I ask teachers from all over the world what they love and hate about the end of the year. Take a listen to find out what they said. You may be surprised!

Notes from the show:

Makerspace Moments in Literature

One Tired Teacher Episode 24: Seven Ways to Survive and Thrive At the End of the Year

7 Ways to Survive and Thrive at the End of The School Year Blog Post

End of the Year Activities

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