Surviving the end of the year is a difficult task for many teachers! Just ask a teacher which time in the year is hardest, and you will get the beginning of the year and the end of year tired is like no other teacher tired. So this week on One Tired Teacher, we are talking all about ways to survive the end and actually thrive during this time.

From eating chocolate to planning theme weeks, you can make it to the last day of school! Join me as we talk through 7 ways to get you to the end.

Links Mentioned in the Show

Free Master Class for Teachers and Teacherpreneurs:

Engage Your Audience, Expand Your Reach, Increase Your Sales: Why Teachers and Teacherpreneurs Need to Podcast in Their Classrooms and Teacher Business

End of the Year Theme Weeks

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance you’ll miss out on those. Click here for iTunes.

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Listener Spotlight of the Week

I’ve been listening to the OTT podcast from the beginning. Though I don’t teach (in a classroom) anymore, I have found value in every episode. But I must say, this one was special to me-I left teaching academics to teach fitness, and before I made the switch I used to exercise in the classroom for many reasons. Exercise benefits a child’s whole being, and teaching them skills and form early helps to establish lasting habits that can keep them more physically and mentally fit for their whole lives. The episode holds some great wisdom about specifically using yoga to meet these goals. Must listen! ~Dawn